Dear Chicago, Planning to travel to America has always been a headache for me. The customs, the procedures, oh so many! I have visited quite some countries in my life and none had the drab dull dragging problems while getting a visa. Yet, you did, America. You annoy me. But, I got through and gotcha! When I stepped into the O'Hare, the overwhelming...
Academic writing sounds socialistic. Being told what to write so that everyone is just like you. You are told that you are free to choose, but only from items in the basket they provide. Ugly words like ‘models’, ‘quantitative’, ‘results’, ‘literature’ and ‘conclude’ build up a rigid house in my head. A restaurant that doesn’t innovate. An artist that doesn’t create. A repeating...
Games are simple. Their goals are defined. And you know how you would end up eventually. Mostly not dead. I wish life was too. Life, world etc has already been compared to games and plays. There is truth in those statements. We are each born into a culture. With prefixed perceptions and ideals. We are taught that the ideals that you are born...
When the code for daily weather was being written down, an incrementing variable was introduced for Chennai, India. varWeather = hot; varWeather = varWeather +1; This for loop dips only when the season refreshes itself and sets the initial variable to 0. In other words I know its hot today, it would tend to mean that it is hotter tomorrow. Ah there is...
Bengaluru – The Silicon Valley of India was my holiday for a year. A holiday from home and responsibilities. It all began with the envelope from Cognizant. When it arrived, it came along with a spicy sweet notion of me having to travel. Travel – Bring it on I say, but the thought of staying away for God knows how long in...
There was this moment that I remember ever so vividly. It took place after I finished the God of Small Things. As I put the novel down, I witnessed a literature that struck the right cords of my emotional scale. I have had no such feeling for any other man made novel. As I read the last words of the novel, Naalai, I...
Cerca trova... First off, Comedy and Tragedy are two aspects of play. In-spite of the layman's definition, Tragedy actually refers to works written for the elite in high language whereas Comedy contains erudite knowledge but is understood by everyone. The Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri is a 14,000 lines epic poem written circa 1308 AD and depicts the afterlife and the concepts of...